About the Washoku World Challenge
“Washoku World Challenge” is a Japanese cuisine competition organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan for non-Japanese chefs who are deeply interested in Japanese cuisine and who are eager to improve their knowledge and skills.
This year marks the 11th competition of the Washoku World Challenge.
Approaching the 10th anniversary of the registration of “WASHOKU” as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, this year’s competition will be a new challenge for Japanese cuisine to make a further leap forward.
This time, three regional competitions (Europe, America, and Asia) will be held for the chefs who have passed in the document screening: to determine the winners of each region.
The European competition will be held in London, the American in New York, and the Asian in Singapore. Each regional competition is open to six competitors.
This year’s theme is “Your Perspective on Japanese Cuisine”. Using “UMAMI,” the unifying theme of the competition, as the basis for the key elements, please cook with your ideas for Japanese cuisine using Japanese ingredients that are available in the region and environment in which you live.
This is a very good chance to see how much you know about Japanese cuisine. Don’t miss it!